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Codenames and Codenames Duet are distinct variations of the popular word-based party game. In Codenames, players are divided into competing teams, each with a spymaster giving clues to help teammates identify their agents. The game concludes when one team successfully uncovers all their agents or selects the assassin, resulting in an instant loss. In contrast, Codenames Duet is designed for cooperative play, with both players acting as spymasters collaborating to uncover a shared set of agents and avoiding the assassin. The grid layout in Codenames features cards with words, while Codenames Duet introduces cards with both words and symbols, requiring a nuanced approach to communication. Additionally, Codenames is ideal for larger groups, fostering a competitive atmosphere, while Codenames Duet is tailored for two players or small groups, offering a cooperative experience. These variations cater to different preferences, team dynamics, and player counts, providing diverse ways to enjoy the engaging world of Codenames.




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